7. Conclusions and Next Steps

From the results of this project, the JMRFN is more aware of the far ranging impacts of a changing climate on different aspects of health. In comparison to other Aboriginal communities above the tree line in northern Canada, JMR has not been as severely impacted by climate change (see Berkes and Jolly, 2001; Ford et al., 2010; Huntington et al, 2005; IISD, 2000; Martin et al., 2007; Nuttall et al., 2005; and Pearce et al. 2009). However, from the changes our people are observing and experiencing many of these changes can be directly or indirectly linked with climate change. By conducting this project our community has taken the first step towards a proactive approach to identifying current and potential impacts associated with climate change, as well as thinking about how to respond to these impacts before they become too severe.

7. Conclusions and Next Steps